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  • High-performance computing at AAU

    Explore the high-performance computing (HPC) resources available for AAU students and researchers, how they work and what they can be used for in your projects.

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What is HPC?

High-performance computing (HPC) refers to the use of powerful computing resources to tackle complex and resource-intensive tasks that exceed the capabilities of standard computing systems. For researchers and students at AAU, HPC provides the necessary power to train machine learning models, run simulations, perform data analysis, and conduct modeling, among other tasks. This capability is invaluable across a wide range of academic disciplines.

Benefits from using HPC

  • Parallel computing

    AAU HPC provides access to specialized processors that enhance the speed and processing capabilities of the system, enabling the execution of highly parallelizable tasks.

  • Fast data processing

    HPC allows for much faster calculations than what your local machine can provide. Instead of reducing the data sets - reduce the processing time!

  • Available at hand

    Thanks to HPC, you can access your computing environment from anywhere using your laptop, allowing you to work independently.

Explore HPC Definitions

Expand your knowledge of HPC and related terms.

See Definition Library

Platform Overview

At AAU, researchers and students can access various HPC platforms to perform simulations, data analysis, and other resource-intensive tasks that would be impractical on standard computers.

  • Strato

    Strato is based on servers with CPU and GPU components that enable you to solve both generic and specific computational problems using virtual machines that you can configure yourself.

    About Strato

    Getting access

  • UCloud

    UCloud is a digital research platform developed by the SDU eScience Center, specifically designed to deliver high-performance computing with a strong emphasis on user experience.

    About UCloud

    Getting access

  • AI Cloud

    AI Cloud holds the university's largest collection of GPU resources, and is specifically designed for running machine learning workloads.

    About AI Cloud

    Getting access

  • AI-LAB

    AI-LAB is designed exclusively for students at Aalborg University, offering high-performance computing (HPC) right at your fingertips.

    About AI-LAB

    Getting access

  • DeiC HPC

    Through the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC), CLAAUDIA can provide access to HPC facilities run at a national scale.

    About Deic HPC

  • EuroHPC

    Aalborg University researchers are eligible to use the supercomputers of the EuroHPC.

    About EuroHPC

HPC Decision Tree

  • find the most suitable system for your project

    Complete the HPC Decision Tree Quiz and find the most suitable HPC platform for your project. HPC Decision Tree is a tool which can assist you in exploring the HPC options fitting your specific needs by answering questions related to your project and research data.

    HPC Decision Tree

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News & Announcements

Overview of the new features, enhancements, and important maintenance updates for AAU HPC platforms.

17-09-2024 - Service window

We have arranged the automatic security updates for all hosts on our OpenStack platform (Strato and UCloud virtual machines) and AI Cloud. The routine maintenance will start 00:01, 17th of September 2024. We have reserved the entire day from 00:01 to 23:59, but the time required to restart hosts once all instances have been shut down is only a few minutes. Strato and UCloud virtual machines may still be affected by the maintenance on the CEPH storage, so you should expect some performance impact until that is completed. AI-Cloud will be unavailable throughout most of that day and will come back online towards the end of the workday.

26-08-2024 - 16 new NVIDIA H100 GPUs for UCloud

You can find 16 new NVIDIA H100 GPU resources on UCloud (select machine type u3-gpu). Read more here.