Cancelling jobs

There are several scenarios where you might need to cancel jobs, such as when a job is stuck, running longer than expected, or you realize that the job parameters were set incorrectly. Here’s a guide on how to cancel jobs with Slurm.

Checking Job Status

Before cancelling a job, it’s often useful to check its current status or job ID. You can list your currently running or queued jobs using the squeue command:

squeue --me

Cancelling a Single Job

To cancel a specific job, use the scancel command followed by the job ID. For example, if your job ID is 12345, you can cancel it by running:

scancel 12345

Cancelling Multiple Jobs

If you need to cancel all your jobs, you can cancel all jobs belonging to your user by using:

scancel --user=$USER

This command is particularly useful if you have submitted a batch of jobs and need to cancel them all simultaneously.