On AI-LAB, we have a ready-to-use MATLAB container image. This means that you can quickly access MATLAB's functionality within the AI-LAB environment without needing to install or configure the software yourself. Lets try to batch process a MATLAB script:
First, lets get the path to the MATLAB container image from the AI-LAB container directory:
ls /ceph/container
Next, set the environment variable to specify the MATLAB license. In this case, point it to the AAU license server:
You can now process MATLAB scripts. To test if everything is working, copy the following script:
cp /ceph/course/claaudia/docs/matlab_script.m .
Then, batch process the script using the command:
srun singularity exec matlab_r2024a.sif matlab -batch "run('script.m')"
Note! The container image might be newer version at this time.
If successful, the script should print Hello World.